The Vatican has just issued some guidelines and a clarifying statement on the sacrament of baptism and its validity that may throw some people into a tizzy — and maybe make a few lose sleep: Doctrinal and ecumenical officials at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said the release of a Vatican statement addressing the…

The pope’s upcoming trip now has an official souvenir. From a sidebar in USA Today: The first officially announced souvenir for Pope Benedict XVI’s visit is a tiny T-shirt for a teddy bear, says Archdiocese of Washington spokeswoman Susan Gibbs. The shirt will be sold only at six Washington, D.C.-area Build-A-Bear Workshop stores. “It’s cute.…

Presumptive GOP nominee John McCain got slammed the other day for accepting the endorsement of someone who’s not exactly friendly toward the Catholic Church: The president of the Catholic League blasted John McCain on Thursday for accepting the endorsement of Texas evangelist John Hagee, calling the controversial pastor a bigot who has “waged an unrelenting…

Need an upper today? This piece from a paper in Pittsburgh just might do the trick: He’s known from Pittsburgh to Guam, offering a message redeemable by all ages. His caring and compassion have comforted as many as 15,000 in a single audience. Years have passed since I first learned of Father Scott Seethaler. Public…

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