A department store known for its stellar customer service has lived up to its reputation, and taken an offensive t-shirt off the shelves:

The department store chain Nordstrom says it has removed a shirt from its shelves that shows a skeleton holding a small child.

A Florida customer said the Affliction-brand t-shirt showed the skeleton holding Baby Jesus.

Judy Carbo described the shirt as demonic, saying it resembled famous paintings that show the Virgin Mary with Jesus.

“As a Catholic and a Christian, it was offensive all the way around,” Carbo said.

The devout Catholic said the image on the shirt was offensive enough to say, “enough,” so she asked the company to remove it.

“If you were Jewish, you wouldn’t want to see a swastika on a shirt,” she said. “If you were African-American, you wouldn’t want to see anything desecrating you.”

A spokesperson for Nordstrom said, “The Company empowers its buyers and clearly someone made a bad choice. A mistake was made and fixed.”

You can see the image on the shirt at this link. Kudos to the folks at Nordstrom for doing the right thing, and quickly.

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