Blessed are You, God and Father of us all, for the gift of our father. Today we honor and thank him for the gift he is in our lives.His love for us is a reflection of Your divine love.Bless him this day with Your strength and Your power that he may continue to be a…

That’s what you might call the redemptive qualities some young women are evidently finding in faith, according to Peter Steinfels’ latest column in New York Times: Dear Jillian, Please forgive the first-name greeting, but it seems the proper way to reply to your “Hi Peter” e-mail message of June 4. What was surprising was not…

The nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court has drawn renewed attention to the fact that Catholics could soon comprise a sizable majority on the court. How’d that happen? The Washington Post chatted with Barbara Perry, a professor at Sweet Briar College in Virginia, who is writing a book on Catholics and the court.…

When I was working at CBS News, believe it or not, the moment we just heard about in the gospels was a part of my daily life. In the offices of “60 Minutes,” the executive producer Jeff Fager had hanging on his wall a print of a famous painting by Rembrandt, depicting this very scene.…

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