One of the pleasures of the blogosphere is discovering new and refreshing voices. Many are gifted. A few are brilliant.

And then there are those who defy any description. Every now and then, you encounter someone who just makes you sit up, swallow hard, and go “Wow.”

 Webster Bull is one of those someones.

His still-new blog “Why I Am Catholic” is one of the most uplifting, joyful, inspiring, soul-stirring places in the blogosphere. Every day, he looks at why he loves the Church, and why he converted, and then he counts the ways. It’s so deceptively simple. But every day I read it, I feel like I’m opening a jewelry box; the place is full of gems. No other blog gets to me quite the way his does. (And I’m not alone in thinking that: I got an e-mail the other day from a veteran blogger, asking, “Don’t you just love ‘Why I Am Catholic’?” Yes. I do.)

Check out Webster Bull’s latest post, “For His Love Endures Forever.” This can only come from a heart full of wonder and gratitude and generosity and love. Love for his faith. Love for his God. Love for spreading the Good News.

Bless you, Web. And thank you.

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