As one might expect, they’re not crazy about the Virgin Mary, or Father Flanagan, either: The Freedom from Religion Foundation is urging its supporters to boycott the stamp — and also to engage in a letter-writing campaign to spread the word about what it calls the “darker side” of Mother Teresa. The stamp — set…

With the debate about health care reform still percolating, I’m going to turn my internet microphone over to a guest blogger, and pal of mine, Sister Mary Ann Walsh. She’s Director of Media Relations for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The bishops have recently had a few things to say about this subject.…

“As the custodian of the word, Mary will hold a special place in your life as deacons. We are told in the Gospels that she treasured all matters pertaining to Christ in her heart. It was only until after the Resurrection that Mary handed on to the apostles what she treasured in her heart. It…

“I do not believe we are there just to entertain, and attempts for church services to be informal for their own sake end up being trite and embarrassing. I also doubt the value of priests or ministers being stand-up comics. The Empire Theatre, just opposite the Minster, where I’m based, does it so much better.…

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