Some might wonder what, exactly, that is. From Wikipedia: In Western Christianity, the Wednesday before Easter is sometimes known as “Spy Wednesday”, indicating that it is the day that Judas Iscariot first conspired with the Sanhedrin to betray Jesus for thirty silver coins. This event is described in the three Synoptic Gospels: Matthew 26:14-16, Mark…

Earlier, I offered the press release announcing Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio’s homily, which was delivered at this evening’s Chrism Mass. Here’s more, from his prepared text: In recent weeks, we have all been reminded of the evil that some of our brothers inflicted upon children. These men are our brothers and we all, priests and bishops,…

The striking and dramatic Stations of the Cross below were created by Deacon Bernard Deschler (another Brooklyn boy).  I really think that they’re something extraordinary, and that they ask us to look at Christ’s Passion in a new way.  Check out more of his work at his website.

That’s how Brooklyn’s Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio describes the recent coverage of the pope, in his homily at tonight’s Chrism Mass.  From the press release: In his homily to the priests and people of the Diocese of Brooklyn, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, called upon the priests and people of the Diocese of Brooklyn to stand up with him…

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