As one friend of mine noted, reading this item, “We live in interesting times…” : One week before the most solemn day in the Christian year, the city of Davenport, Iowa removed Good Friday from its municipal calendar, setting off a storm of complaints from Christians and union members whose contracts give them that day…

An e-mail about this arrived in my in-box overnight, and it’s worth reading. It’s regarding the notorious case of Fr. Murphy — written by the presiding judge in his case.  A snip: Since my name and comments in the matter of the Father Murphy case have been liberally and often inaccurately quoted in the New…

Some people are predicting a “crackdown,” at least in the United States, but the people in a position to know disagree: American Catholic marriage tribunalists are denying rumors of a Vatican crackdown on the high number of annulments granted in the United States. Secular news reports on Pope Benedict XVI’s late January comments to the…

“The crisis of authority endures. There has been some accountability for the abusers, but not nearly enough for the bishops who enabled them. And now the shadow of past sins threatens to engulf this papacy. Popes do not resign. But a pope can clean house. And a pope can show contrition, on his own behalf…

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