Well, not just any altar server. David James was the assistant moderator of the servers at my parish for nearly a decade — and did a superb job.  (Before anyone asks: yes, we have a priest who acts as moderator for the kids, though it’s his assistant who does the heavy lifting of supervising schedules…

And the local paper has the scoop: Nearly 30 additional men are now formally part of the framework that ministers to the faithful throughout Central Jersey’s Roman Catholic churches following their ordination as deacons in the Diocese of Metuchen. The 29 deacons, most active in their churches for years, were installed by Bishop Paul G.…

A new exhibit in Brooklyn is throwing a spotlight on a side of the artist most people might not know about. From Reuters: As a pop art pioneer, Andy Warhol blazed his way to fame with trademark Brillo soap pad boxes and silk-screens of Campbell’s Soup cans. But a new museum exhibit shows pop art…

For the past few weeks, the world has watched in frustration, and sorrow, and anger, the disaster that has been unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico. A couple weeks ago, on my TV show, “Currents,” we interviewed a priest in Louisiana. He’s been working with Catholic Charities on relief efforts in the region. He ministers…

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