That was one of his messages at this morning’s National Prayer Breakfast in Washington:

ALeqM5gkEerPj7T4UsU-FQpGHflxV1W2wA.jpegPresident Obama bemoaned the “erosion of civility” in the nation’s political debate Thursday, telling an audience at the National Prayer Breakfast that there is a growing sense that “something is broken” in Washington.

“Those of us in Washington are not serving the people as well as we should,” Obama said. “At times, it seems like we’re unable to listen to one another, to have at once a serious and civil debate.”

Obama contrasted the sense of duty and service summoned in response to disasters such as the earthquake in Haiti with the seeming inability of the nation’s policymakers to answer “the slow-moving tragedies of children without food and men without shelter and families without health care.”

The president criticized a political culture where disagreement on policy quickly morphs into questioning one another’s motives. Obama, a Christian who was born in Hawaii, alluded to the undercurrent of allegations that he is actually a Muslim who was born outside the United States, saying, “I am the first to confess that I am not always right. . . . But surely, you can question my policies without questioning my faith, or, for that matter, my citizenship.”

There’s more about his speech at the link.

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