“Deacons must be dignified, not deceitful,not addicted to drink, not greedy for sordid gain,holding fast to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience.Moreover, they should be tested first;then, if there is nothing against them,let them serve as deacons.Women, similarly, should be dignified, not slanderers,but temperate and faithful in everything.Deacons may be married only…

The deacon whose miraculous cure is leading to the beatification of John Henry Newman is about to make the most meaningful pilgrimage of his life, to Newman’s home and grave in England: Deacon Jack Sullivan of Massachusetts and his wife Carol will be in Birmingham from November 11 to 12. He will tour Newman’s room…

This very fine essay by Joseph Michalak in the Catholic Spirit (the Archdiocesan paper of St. Paul/Minneapolis) offers a thoughtful and inspiring look at what it means to be a deacon: Whenever I tell people I work in the Office of Diaconate, the most common response is “The office of what? Can you spell that?”…

What happens when the son of one deacon meets the daughter of another deacon? Florida Catholic has the story: When Michael Fresneda arrived with his family to discuss the diaconate with Deacon Lazaro J. Ulloa at the Ulloa residence six years ago, there was no telling that their two eldest children, Stephanie M. Fresneda and…

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