Well, the responses to these articles on the diaconate in America have started to trickle in, and my personal favorite just might be this one, from Ron Hansen: The adjective “busy” seems to be increasingly attached to “deacon” because while the priest’s role is clearly demarcated in a parish, the deacon’s role is more fluid,…

We’ve all gotten those e-mails from Nigeria. Now, here comes one from a Catholic deacon. (No, it’s not me…) Read on: Each message was the same. A deacon of the church was stranded in England without his wallet or money, so he needed about $1,200 or more to get home. There was just one problem…

I got an e-mail this afternoon from a deacon who appreciated some of my thoughts here, in the current issue of America. Then he added this: Just before I was ordained in 2002 I asked one of our professors, a priest who was head of worship for the diocese what the presbyterate thought of the…

The good people at America magazine have devoted much of this current issue to the ministry of the diaconate. (I mentioned something about that earlier.) Now they’re asking for some response. When you have a moment, check out this link to the deacon articles by Your Humble Blogger, Bill Ditewig and Scott Dodge. Then toss…

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