Last time I checked, I still had a pulse. Over the last four days, there were times I wasn’t sure that would be the case. But at this late hour on Easter night, I can finally say, with certainty: I survived by first Triduum as a deacon. Here’s what happened: Wednesday I started to develop…

When was the last time you heard contraception or Natural Family Planning mentioned in the pulpit? A show of hands? Me neither. But a deacon in Alaska took up the subject not long ago — and had a powerful impact on at least one family, according to the Catholic Anchor in Alaska: The homilist at…

Over at Clerical Whispers, there is news about a “Year of Vocation” being trumpeted in Ireland — a place that needs vocations (singular and plural) more desperately than most of us can imagine. (N.B. near the bottom, a reference to bringing the permanent diaconate to Ireland.) Read on: It cannot be disputed that the Catholic…

In New Jersey, a nominee for the state’s Superior Court happens to be a man training to become a Catholic deacon. And that may cause a conflict, according to this South Jersey paper: A judge in Middlesex County who is also training to become a Roman Catholic deacon eased some lawmakers’ concerns Monday but may…

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