Here’s a surprising, and heartening, bit of journalism from, of all places, the Chicago Tribune, about a demographic shift in the diaconate: When Sergio Lopez’s wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and told she had only three months to live, he looked to the sky and asked God to allow her to see their young…

Up in Beantown, Cardinal Sean used his blog this week to throw a little attention on the diaconate community — and it sounds like it’s booming: I met with the permanent deacons’ community board, which meets six times annually. Deacon Leo Donohue heads up that office, and recently we have brought in others to help…

The Holy Father had some warm words last week for permanent deacons — yes, you heard right: the pope actually chatted up the diaconate. It came during a Q&A with Roman clergy. Here’s the entire exchange, as reported by Zenit: Following a Lenten tradition, Benedict XVI met Thursday with parish priests and clergy of the…

Nothing, I think, is quite as rare as an ordination during Lent. But that’s not stopping the gang down in Atlanta, where a new class of deacons is about to be ordained tomorrow. From the Georgia Bulletin: There will soon be more permanent deacons serving Catholics in the Archdiocese of Atlanta than there are priests.…

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