Here’s something to get the wheels turning. Take a gander at this provocative post by Rod Dreher, pondering these words by Saul Alinsky, a radical who had a profound effect on Barack Obama: Each year, for a number of years, the activists in the graduating class from a major Catholic seminary near Chicago would visit…

This piece in NCR about Catholic blogs was pretty interesting, until I started counting the embarrassing mistakes. (Memo to Amy Welborn: call your lawyer). But James Martin sums up the Catholic blogosphere succinctly: “At their best, Catholic blogs serve the same function as do the entry halls that are part of new church buildings in…

With the world economy on the brink of calamity, if not collapse, here’s an idea. It comes to us from Austin Ivereigh at the blog of America magazine, In All Things: The task: to recover the connection between money and material reality, to restore the human dimension to financial transactions, to underpin borrowing with the…

Deacon Scott Dodge links to a timely piece in America, which includes a list of 10 things to remember this fall when it comes to voting and the Catholic conscience. Drumroll, please: 1. Not all issues are equal- Life issues are paramount. The paramount life issue in this campaign, the life issue that the next…

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