What do you do after you’ve had a successful career in the NFL and business? One man’s surprising answer: After two successful careers, one in the NFL and one in the business world, Steve Walsh thought his experience, training and skills would serve him well as a football coach. He had an offer to coach…

I was contacted recently about possibly promoting this film, and I have to say: it looks remarkable. Thoughtful. Revealing. And utterly truthful. It will be shown on PBS later this year. See for yourself, and take a look at the trailer below. And you can visit the director’s website for more info.

You might think it would be otherwise, but a story out this weekend indicates bad times are good news for charitable giving to churches: Frank Berning, a lifelong Roman Catholic, has upped his church giving as the economy drooped. “I always try to contribute what’s possible, and our priest stressed that there are unemployed people…

My cousins in the diocesan television industry, CatholicTV in Boston, are wading into the sometimes murky waters of reality TV. But this sounds like a plunge worth taking: CatholicTV, a television ministry of the Boston Archdiocese, is venturing into the realm of reality programming. In September, the network will launch its new series, “House+Home.” Hosted…

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