There was some interesting news breaking when St. Louis got its new archbishop: he announced was bringing along a woman who’d worked with him in Saginaw to be his chancellor. That’s not unprecedented — lay people have been allowed to fill that role since the 1983 revision of the Code of Canon Law — but…

To save money, more Americans are evidently choosing to skip the funeral parlor and bury their loved ones from home. Besides cutting costs, this is transforming the experience of death for some families. From the NY Times: When Nathaniel Roe, 92, died at his 18th-century farmhouse here the morning of June 6, his family did…

That’s one of the responses we got when my TV show “Currents” visited some parishes this past Sunday and asked the question, “What’s NFP?” This week marks Natural Family Planning Awareness Week, and so we decided to see just how aware people really are. Short answer: not very. An overwhelming number of people leaving church…

From the “Duh” Desk, old news made to sound new: Couples living together before marrying have a higher chance of getting divorced than those who wait until they were engaged or married, according to research out Tuesday in the Journal of Family Psychology. The study, carried out by researchers from the University of Denver, also…

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