This writer in today’s New York Daily News offers some trenchant observations on the state of Catholic America, particularly in light of the Notre Dame controversy: If it looks like there’s an identity crisis within the Catholic contingent, there is – but the divisive episode at Notre Dame was hardly the catalyst. This is a…

They’ve been doing that during Lent at some parishes around Pittsburgh, and the experiment has been well-received, according to the Pittsburgh Catholic newspaper: In what was billed as “pulpit sharing” or “priest swap,” the priests from five parishes in two South Pittsburgh neighborhoods visited nearby parishes to celebrate weekend Masses during the first weeks of…

A number of parishes from around the U.S. have taken an extraordinary step to fight parish closings: they’re taking their case straight to the top. From the AP: Worshippers in eight dioceses around the country have banded together in a last-ditch effort to ask the Vatican to instruct bishops to negotiate with them over the…

With a tip of the cap and a raised glass of Guiness to James Joyce, The Bench takes a cheerful look at the elect who are preparing to become the converted at next weekend’s Easter Vigil. A snapshot of the story in Baltimore, from the Sun: A police officer assigned to watch over a church…

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