“Making felt banners does not help produce a reverence for God and the moral law. Catechesis may have improved in the schools, but fewer Catholic children are going to Catholics schools or to religious education classes. Instead they are picking up their attitudes from their poorly-catechized parents, among whom are prominent politicians. But this still…

The results of this recent Gallup poll are, to put it mildly, interesting. It does make one wonder: just how do you define “Catholic” for these things? And, of course: if this is even remotely accurate, what does that say about us as a Church?

“I used to think of the IUD as the boogeyman, as the Intrauterine Devil. Now one abides in me. I would never have predicted such a future for myself. My husband and I have been pretty strict Catholics throughout our childbearing years. It has sometimes been a sacrifice, but we have tried to make our…

Down at Louisiana State University, the student paper is looking into Lent — and what some of the students are doing for the season: Thomas Kajor is more productive these days. Since Ash Wednesday, Kajor, mechanical engineering sophomore, hasn’t been on Facebook for more than 15 minutes a day — which he attributes to his…

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