From Pittsburgh comes this item, about a new effort underway to deal with the diminishing number of priests: As head of the Allegheny Valley Deanery in the Pittsburgh Catholic Diocese, the Rev. Frank Almade advises 16 parishes — in addition to being pastor of what officially became St. Juan Diego Parish today. “I work more…

An alert reader spotted this item in the Washington Post, about a remarkable outreach to an often-neglected community: Two autistic boys sat inside a parochial school classroom this month. In a setting stripped of unnecessary furniture and toys to avoid distraction, they studied pictograms of a bearded Jesus in a red sash and images of…

As many people know, New York is one of the archdioceses that has been feeling the pain of parish closings. And some parishioners aren’t taking it sitting down (or even kneeling). From the New York Times: The closing of their church was among the more devastating of events to have struck the congregants of Our…

As we get ready for another Ash Wednesday, and another 40-day sojourn into the desert, the Arkansas Catholic has this intriguing item reminding us that Lent is not just a Catholic thing anymore: Beginning Ash Wednesday, Catholics enter the 40-day penitential season of Lent, but they are not the only Christians to do so. In…

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