“Is religion an important part of your daily life?” The good people at Gallup asked that question and came up with an interesting snapshot of which parts of America are most devout: Want to be almost certain you’ll have religious neighbors? Move to Mississippi. Prefer to be in the least religious state? Venture to Vermont.…

This columnist in Michigan, Julie Mack, takes another look at what’s happening in Catholic schools (during National Catholic School Week), and suggests its part of a larger trend: I recently read that enrollment in American Catholic schools peaked in 1965, when the system had 12,000 schools serving 5 million students. I was among that 5…

The author of the essay below wondered that about himself — and he comes up with a pretty good answer. From the Washington Post’s On Faith section : In the end it wasn’t Thomas Aquinas, Pope Benedict or even St. Teresa of Avila – my favorite saint – who brought me all the way home.…

A retired priest who once worked at my parish — and who many years ago was pastor to the very first deacon ordained in the Diocese of Brooklyn — has asked me to spread the word about a project he’s launched. Anyone can participate. How can I say no? He wrote about it not long…

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