Many of us remember Siobhan Fallon Hogan when she was just Siobhan Fallon, on “Saturday Night Live.” But the National Catholic Register’s Tim Drake shows us another side of her: Siobhan Fallon Hogan has forfeited acting projects rather than compromise her faith. The Hollywood actress and mother of three has appeared in television’s “Seinfeld” and…

Parishes of the Commonwealth of Virginia may soon share something else in common: priests. From the Virginian-Pilot: The tradition of one priest per Catholic parish will pass away at many South Hampton Roads churches under a new five-year diocesan plan for coping with an acute clergy short age. The strategy aims at moving congregants “from…

What’s it like to live in a really really big family? Meet the Littletons of Chicago — James and Kathleen, who’ve had 19 (yes, 19) children. ZENIT has the first of a two part interview: Q: What do you suggest for couples seeking to discern what God asks of them through the Church’s call to…

Tough times are taking a toll on Catholic schools. There are increasing reports of school closings and consolidations in my own state, and now the Washington Post is taking a look at what’s happening in private schools around the country: Cynthia Hogan pulled her daughter and son out of Catholic school when she started feeling…

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