Baltimore may be leading the way in developing a ministry for “single again” Catholics — a group that tends to be largely overlooked in our marrige-and-family-friendly faith. From the Catholic Review: Many couples share everything during their marriage, from a favorite restaurant to friends and, perhaps most importantly, a parish. For some, it’s the parish…

A paper in upstate New York has this curious report about a splinter group of Catholics seeking to attract a wider following: A decade ago, when a large group of Catholics feuded with the Diocese of Rochester over issues such as female priests and blessing of gay unions, the very public dispute resulted in the…

There’s a renewed push in many parishes to lure back Catholics who have wandered away from the faith. And this item, about one deacon’s efforts, illustrates one move underway in Memphis: Dressed in cream-colored robes, beneath a portrait of the crucifixion, Deacon Jack Conrad radiates religious devotion. Assisting with a recent service at St. Ann…

A Catholic school teacher in Texas has just lost her job — and is now considering suing the school. The issue: an annulment. Or lack thereof. The local paper has the story: Less than a week before Marquis LaFortune was supposed to marry her fiance, the principal of the downtown Catholic high school where she…

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