The Church’s recent document Dignitas Personae is posing a lot of challenges to some people — including the couple profiled in this story by CNS: As committed Catholics, Timothy and Dawn Smith respect Vatican pronouncements, but recent statements about frozen embryo adoption from church officials have bewildered the Fitzwilliam, N.H., parents of three children who…

The current economic woes seem to bear out the old idea that tough times can lead to crowded pews. (There are no atheists in foxholes and all that). From Sunday’s New York Times: The sudden crush of worshipers packing the small evangelical Shelter Rock Church in Manhasset, N.Y. — a Long Island hamlet of yacht…

At a time when many parishes, and many dioceses, are facing serious financial problems and looming deficits, this sort of news is downright miraculous: For the last few months, St. James Roman Catholic Church in Johnson City has seen a decline in weekly donations. About two out of four weeks the parish fails to meet…

How do you commemorate a nightmare? The Los Angeles Times this week has this poignant and, I think, important piece on how various dioceses around the country are honoring and remembering the victims of clerical sex abuse: Oakland’s new Cathedral of Christ the Light stretches skyward, sheathed in gleaming glass that reveals a delicate skeleton…

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