How’s this for a touchdown? A thoughtful reader sent this along: a terrific profile of the head coach of the Baltimore Ravens, who just happens to be Catholic. From the Catholic Review: Not long ago, John Harbaugh walked into a barbershop near his home off Falls Road. As the wholesome-looking 46-year-old sat in the barber’s…

The election seems to have frayed everybody’s nerves — and this incident, first reported in a California paper, bears that out: A Fairfield woman whose car was adorned with celebratory signs for President-elect Barack Obama is furious that a priest singled her out during Sunday morning Mass and ordered her to leave. Elizabeth Caster admits…

We just finished a stewardship pitch at my parish, so this item struck me as particularly interesting and timely: a review of a new book on Christian giving — or lack thereof. Coming as it does during some difficult and uncertain economic times, it gives all of us something to wonder about and pray about:…

Just in time for the holidays, a group of priests in New York City (Staten Island, to be precise) is embarking on a mission to bring wandering Catholics back into the fold. Take a look: Since the summer, Monsignor Edmund Whalen has been encouraging his parishioners at St. Joseph-St. Thomas in Pleasant Plains to invite…

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