How is the economic crisis going to impact churches and synagogues? This weekend, there are some thoughts on that from Rabbi Marc Gellman, the Jewish half of the “God Squad” (the other half being Catholic priest, Monsignor Thomas Hartman). From Newsweek: The impact of the financial crisis on the election will end on Nov. 4.…

How can you get young people involved in the Church? A recent gathering in Arlington, Virginia gave a tantalizing answer: At a youth rally this weekend at Bishop O’Connell High School in Arlington, Catholic teenagers came together to celebrate their faith and meet Catholic teens outside their own parishes. As Bishop Paul Loverde celebrated the…

From Virginia comes this impressive story about a pharmacy rooted in faith: A new drug store at a Virginia strip mall is putting its faith in an unconventional business plan: No candy. No sodas. And no birth control. Divine Mercy Care Pharmacy is among at least seven pharmacies across the nation that are refusing as…

It’s now less than 30 days to what may be the most critical election in decades — and the Catholic Church is kicking it up a notch. From Sunday’s New York Times: As the Roman Catholic Church observes its annual “respect life” Sunday in this heated presidential election season, the unusually pitched competition for Catholic…

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