If you want a peek at how the Catholic Church in America is dealing with the issue of immigration, look no further than this interesting item from Fordham University. It explains how — as with so many things — we can thank the Italians: Italian Catholics who immigrated to New York City in the 1800s…

From the Right In My Own Backyard Desk, we have this interesting report on the only all-boys Catholic high school on Long Island: Unlike most Roman Catholic schools in the New York area, which embrace students regardless of their religion, Chaminade High School here requires a baptismal certificate to register. “No exception,” said the Rev.…

From Alaska comes news — for once — about something other than Sarah Palin. It’s a dramatic move by parishes to deal with the priest shortage. This, from the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Dubbed “Priestless Sunday,” next weekend will find parish leaders filling the pulpits at Roman Catholic churches all around Fairbanks and the road systems.…

This sort of news doesn’t often make national headlines — but it’s generating a lot of ink, and I can’t help but wonder if a predictable outcry will follow. Here’s how the Boston Globe is reporting it: St. Anthony Shrine has removed a gay Boston man from several lay leadership posts after he wrote a…

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