A lot of Catholic voters are finding themselves torn by the issues involved in this presidential election — abortion being only one of them — and the New York Times offers this snapshot of people in the pews in Joe Biden’s hometown of Scranton: Scranton, a city dominated by the kind of white working-class Catholics…

A story out of Massachusetts offers a poignant new take on the priest shortage. Reuters reports: The sign outside St. James Church in the affluent Boston suburb of Wellesley sums up Catholicism’s deepening struggles in the United States. “Still searching for a priest,” it reads. Another sign affixed to its thick doors pleads: “Save St.…

If you are part of one of the dwindling number of parishes that has its very own pastor, count your blessings — and read this report for a glimpse at the future. From the Catholic Sentinel in Oregon: In the future, your parish could resemble St. Mark’s and St. Peter’s. Since 2006, the two faith…

This may be the very definition of “pro-active.” Faced with the inconvenient truth that their churches would probably be closing, two parishes in Massachusetts voted in 2006 to consolidate. They did this on their own, without any pressure from the diocese. And now they are getting ready to break ground for their new church. As…

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