I stumbled across this essay this morning and thought: “Well here’s something you don’t see every day.” It’s about how a Steubenville pro-life EWTN-watching, daily-mass-attending young Catholic came to support Barack Obama: I started my freshman year at Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, when I was barely 17, skipping my senior year of high school…

One of the most familiar faces in my corner of New York is Msgr. James Lisante, former head of The Christophers. He pops up a lot on television, offering analysis and commentary, and he has a popular interview program on satellite radio. (Full disclosure: I was a guest on his show last year, blabbering on…

The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis has a new chancellor for canonical affairs joining the staff next week: Jennifer M. Haselberger, bishop’s delegate for canonical affairs of the Diocese of Fargo, N.D., will join the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis as chancellor for canonical affairs on Aug. 18. She succeeds Sister Dominica Brennan,…

A friend and former colleague from CBS, Dick Meyer, has weighed in on a phenomenon he knows well: the difficulty of some to embrace traditional faith. By way of introduction…Dick has just published a new book “Why We Hate Us”, which Publishers Weekly describes thusly: “In this study of American social self-loathing Meyer addresses why…

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