And the ordination was so huge, it had to be held in a stadium: The ordination of 60 men to the Permanent Diaconate at Santa Barbara City College’s La Playa Stadium represented the largest single group of deacons ordained at one time in the history of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, and possibly in the…

At best, they were mixed. Some excerpts below. The Christian media liked it. The mainstream media, not so much. — In “Evan Almighty,” Mr. God goes to Washington. Frank Capra, stop rolling in your grave. At least they cared enough to steal from the very best, as the new Steve Carell comedy labors mightily to…

Periodically, I’ve noticed that other Catholic websites have given a Bronx cheer or two to the modern tabernacle. (The good folks over at Holy Whapping are giving a whapping to a few right now.) Most of these boxes are, if not just unattractive, downright ugly. Well, forget a Bronx cheer. How about a Queens raspberry?…

The Associated Press has been sniffing around and smells a trend: bishops who are becoming impatient, or even angry, with pro-choice (that is, pro-abortion) Catholic politicians. A few bishops, who are supposed to be on a private retreat this week in New Mexico, are nonetheless finding time to speak to the media: Denver Archbishop Charles…

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