As a newly ordained clergyman who happens to be married, I find the challenge of balancing family, faith and work sometimes daunting. I told someone this week that I feel like the plate spinner on the “Ed Sullivan Show”: trying to keep all the plates on their wobbly poles without anything smashing to the floor.…

On the Left Coast, a fresh tide of new permanent deacons has just washed ashore — as reported, providentially, in The Tidings, the paper for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. “Seven reputable men” were ordained, echoing the very first diaconate class 2000 years ago. Roger Cardinal Mahony presided at the mass concelebrated by Auxiliary Bishops…

Okay. Just one more incredible YouTube from “Britain’s Got Talent.” Hat tip to my BFF The Anchoress, who e-mailed this to me with the note: “Competition for Paul Potts.” She’s right. Click below and watch something miraculous unfold: St. Paul thrown from his horse can hardly compare with what happens to Simon Cowel in about…

Someone has taken the time and trouble to post this on YouTube: a film of most of the Easter mass from 1941, at Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Chicago. Narration by Fulton Sheen. And, if I’m not mistaken, you may see a deacon or two (transitional, ‘natch) hovering around the altar. It’s a fascinating…

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