Andrew Sullivan just lobbed this grenade into the blogosphere: A priest is discovered to have been actively molesting children. His superior is notified in 1980. One of the things he is told of is the priest’s forcing an 11 year old boy to perform oral sex on him. The superior does not contact the police.…

(This is for Cycle A, for the Second Scrutiny.  The scrutinies add time to the liturgy, and the gospel reading is quite long, so I kept the homily brief.  Last week’s mass was about an hour and 15 minutes!) Most of us are familiar with the story of Saint Damien of Molokai – the Belgian…

This just in, from the Austria Desk: The Archbishop of Vienna today said priestly celibacy could be one of the causes of the sex abuse scandals to hit the Catholic church. In an article for Thema Kirche, his diocesan magazine, Christoph Schonborn became the most senior figure in the Catholic hierarchy to make the connection…

The Vatican newspaper thinks so. This little item should raise a few eyebrows — and blood pressures: A greater presence of women in decision-making roles in the church might have helped remove the “veil of masculine secrecy” that covered priestly sex abuse cases, a front-page commentary in the Vatican newspaper said. The article said that…

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