This news won’t be surprising to those of us who have been following this sort of thing. But it’s still worrisome. From the BBC: Newly published statistics showed that the number of men and women belonging to religious orders fell by 10% to just under a million between 2005 and 2006. During the pontificate of…

I checked in at Cardinal Sean’s blog late today, and was stunned to read the news of the death of a newly ordained priest: This week it was quite a shock for all of us that a young priest ordained last May, Father Daniel Kennedy, died suddenly of a heart attack in his brother’s home.…

A reader in South Carolina sent this column along with a note: “This guy sounds like a great priest.” He sure does: There are people who stand by you. People who inspire you. People you imagine will always be there — because how could you live without their presence? My priest, Tim Lijewski, was one…

This is another of those great late vocation stories — but with a lot of twists along the highway of life. A lot. It comes to us from the Detroit Free Press and columnist Susan Ager: Tony Cureton is 63 years old, the divorced father of two young women he raised alone. He is a…

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