Believe it or not. Details: Father Ksawery Knotz doesn’t see himself as a sexpert. Dressed in a brown habit of the Capuchin friars, he certainly doesn’t look like one. Yet, since the celibate Catholic priest started publishing his online sex guide in 2003, he has developed a healthy following of couples from all over Poland…

Check this out, from (of course) California: Kardashian. The Situation. Father Steve? With a little help from on high – and the green light from a high-ranking TV executive – that third name soon might fit just fine among pop culture icons mined from reality television. That’s because the Rev. Steve Porter of St. Catherine…

These come from the Rev. Bill Shuler, at the Capital Life Church in Arlington, Virginia: 1. The goal is not to win a debate but to redeem the heart. 2. One’s public witness is only as authentic as one’s private integrity. 3. There is no greater source of wisdom than the Bible and no investment…

This week, my own bishop, Nicholas DiMarzio, offered some thoughts on the collaboration between priests and deacons in his weekly newspaper column: On the day of ordination, the ordaining bishop asks the deacon candidate the following question: “Are you resolved to discharge of the office of deacon with humility and love in order to assist…

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