Arguably the toughest job in the Church these days is being a diocesan vocations director. The Los Angeles Daily News chats with the man doing that these days — and ticks off the usual grim statistics, along with a few possible solutions: On a recent Sunday, the Rev. Robert J. McNamara of St. Bernardine of…

One of the more celebrated Catholic converts — and a recently ordained deacon, by the way — is former evangelical Alex Jones. He now spends much of his time traveling the country, talking about his journey back to the Church. And a paper in Fort Wayne, Indiana profiles him this weekend: Ten years ago, Alex…

This is too good to pass up: remarks by Cardinal Sean O’Malley last month in Venice, to an international gathering of Capuchins. A good long snippet has already been posted by Rocco, but go and read the rest. The man’s love of his faith, and his order, permeates the whole thing. There is wisdom there,…

And now for something completely different: cloistered nuns who have made Eucharistic adoration their personal ministry — on the internet. The Philadelphia Inquirer reports: When she entered religious life four decades ago, Sister Mary Catherine supposed her life as a contemplative, cloistered nun would keep its medieval ways forever. In many ways, it has. “We…

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