The following item appeared in my parish bulletin last weekend. It got a lot of reaction, so I thought I’d post it here. Enjoy. This weekend marks my five-month anniversary as an ordained member of the Catholic clergy. Time flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it? As the parish’s only deacon, and something of a…

The Via Dolorosa is a long way from Madison Avenue. But this story from Georgia tells of an advertising executive who has just been ordained a priest, and is following the way of Christ, at the age most executives are planning retirement: At 61, most people Fred Sahuc’s age think about slowing down. The former…

Some weeks back, I blogged about the new Benedictine monastery cropping up in Oklahoma. Now, Rod Dreher has gotten in on the act. He’s linked to this account of the monastery construction, which has some splendid pictures (including the one of frolicking monks on the left). The monastery at Clear Creek really does look remarkable.…

The picture on the left is a self-portrait by a seminarian — who clearly has a talent for things besides praying. The unusual story of his artwork and his vocation comes to us courtesy of The Michigan Catholic: Craig Giera’s painting and sculpting helped lead him to consider becoming a priest. Working out of an…

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