It happened in the Archdiocese of Boston:   Parishioners and priests at St. Francis Xavier Church say they’re happy to have the Rev. Charles Murphy back after he was cleared of sexual-abuse allegations for the second time in less than five years. But it’s still unclear whether the 77-year-old priest will return full time to the…

Here’s something inspiring for you. A priest visiting friends in a far-removed Nigerian village last year found himself unexpectedly celebrating Mass in a Muslim home. He writes: Within a short time of my arrival, news went around the community that a priest was visiting, and people started coming around to visit with me. Some of…

Two Belgian bishops are openly questioning whether celibacy should be mandatory for priests: The bishop of Hasselt, Patrick Hoogmartens, and his counterpart in Bruges, Jozef De Kesel, said in separate comments that married men should not automatically be excluded from priesthood. The comments come amid the scandal over sex abuse among the clergy which has…

Anybody wonder what they’re doing right? This won’t be news to most Catholics who have been paying attention. But the AP is sitting up and taking notice: A handful of Roman Catholic convents are contradicting the decades-long slide in the number of women choosing to devote their lives to the sisterhood. And at least two…

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