Over in London, Damien Thompson has posted a lengthy e-mail from Bishop John Jukes, explaining some of his thoughts about living over eight decades of celibacy. The bishop begins: I have always enjoyed the company of women. Their way of talking, the often – to me – apparently illogical style of reasoning, coupled with their…

Well, here’s something you don’t hear about every day. Your Humble Blogger is sending along prayers and good wishes to another journo taking a leap of faith, and also preparing to join the Catholic clergy: John Wilson, a columnist and editorial writer for the New York Post, is hanging up his pen and pad for…

An Evangelical Protestant attorney couldn’t make that promise to her mother when she announced that she was studying to become a Catholic. And now, she could end up spending her life in a cloister. Her amazing story, from the Catholic Anchor: Many find it hard to fathom why a woman would ever think of trading…

It may be too soon to tell, but there are some encouraging signs around the country, beginning in California: From a young age, Juan Alejo has aspired to live a priest’s life. “Since I was a kid, I heard this call,” said Alejo. Now the 35-year-old, who is heeding that summons by attending St. Patrick’s…

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