How often do you see priests without collars? (Can you even tell?) Why should they wear them?  I stumbled on this compelling explanation. (Full disclosure: It was written by two priests. I know one of them, Fr. Gerald Murray, who’s been on a guest on “Currents” a time or two). Take a look, and share…

Sad news, from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: The Rev. Patrick Rager, 50, a Catholic priest widely regarded as a living saint for ministering to others as a fatal disease slowly paralyzed him, died Tuesday at home in West Homestead. “He really is a yet-to-be-canonized saint,” said Bishop David Zubik of Pittsburgh, who has archived papers for…

That seems to be the winning formula in Albany, which just ordained its largest number of priests in decades: In this era when vocations to the priesthood are as sluggish as the economy, the Albany Roman Catholic Diocese is celebrating the ordination of five priests, two of whom who entered religious life as a second…

If you saw this memorable video of Mary Anne Marks (Harvard ’10), you couldn’t fail to be impressed.  Not only did she give that speech in Latin (it’s actually an annual custom at Harvard), but she is also  joining the Dominicans in Ann Arbor — something a little unusual for a Harvard grad.  As I’ve…

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