Frequent visitors to the Catholic blogosphere will be familiar with the blog Clerical Whispers, run by an Irish priest who calls himself “Soto Voce.” Over the weekend, he posted a cry from the heart, which speaks, I think, for many priests today: In the last few days, I have done some deep thinking and reflecting…

Some will remember the mid-20th century as the “brick-and-mortar” era of the American Church — parishes going up, vocations booming, schools clogged with children in uniforms. And nuns. Lots of ’em. I can still see them: the starched habits, the massive wooden rosaries, the worn hands dusty with chalk, the wire-rimmed glasses that, miraculously, never…

A diocese in Florida is trying an innovative approach to vocations — targeting two specific age groups in one fell swoop. Florida Catholic has details: Church vocation directors say a crucial element of encouraging vocations is inviting young people to consider entering the priesthood or religious life. Focus 11, an annual diocesan vocations rally, ensures…

If you want to know what it’s like to be a priest in America in the early years of the 21st century, this piece from Pennsylvania may give you an idea: The Rev. Steven Palsa of St. Philomena Catholic Church of Beaver Falls has long relied on traditional devices, such as a pulpit and confessional,…

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