The Deacon's Bench

Of all the write-ups about the consistory this past weekend, this one by NCR’s John Allen may be the sweetest and most sincere, as he sums up the new cardinal, John Foley. One snip: Each year the North American College in Rome bestows an award upon an American churchman during its annual Rector’s Dinner, and…

It seems barely a week goes by without another story or two about women being “ordained” as Catholic priests. Now a woman, and a nun at that, has published a book on women and ordination. And Sister Sara Butler isn’t necessarily saying what others in the sisterhood of feminism would like to hear. She was…

It’s three days after Thanksgiving. Anyone want (another) turkey sandwich?

One more Episcopal bishop, that is. Last week, another announced he would strap on his water wings and swim the Tiber: On Wednesday, November 21, Bishop John B. Lipscomb announced his intention to seek release from his Episcopal vows and come into full communion with the Catholic Church. Lipscomb, 57, stepped down as Bishop of…

Being more or less out of the loop for a few days — indulging in pheasant (okay: turkey) and all that goes with it — I didn’t catch up with Peggy Noonan’s column on the candidates and faith until Sunday. It’s worth a look — and, maybe, a prayerful look, at that. Her conclusion: There…

For the last Sunday of the liturgical year — and the Feast of Christ the King — I found this beautiful rendering of one of my favorite spirituals, “Mary, Did You Know?”, sung by a full choir and interpreted with clips from several films, including “The Nativity Story” and “The Passion of the Christ.” It…

Every now and then in the Sunday New York Times, in between the ads for the thousand dollar Gucci ear rings and the million dollar Westchester bungalows, you find something truly priceless. This story is that something. It’s a beautifully told tale of an immigrant named Jorge Munoz who drives a bus during the day…

Among the many things I had to be thankful for this past Thursday, one of them was Google. Thanks to Google, I was able very quickly and easily to find out a little history about this feast we celebrate today. It turns out, the Feast of Christ the King is a very new one on…

If you can’t tell Gregorian chant from the Goo Goo Dolls, help is on the way. You can take classes. Some seminarians are doing just that in Connecticut: On Thursday nights they gather here, in this basement classroom with whitewashed walls, a banged-up piano and a wooden crucifix perched above the chalkboard. They are five…

That is what convert and businessman Richard Lane calls himself, and some of his wise words on the faith were published recently in the St. Louis Review: Lane is known as a Catholic evangelist, a term he said people have trouble with because they associate an evangelist with Protestantism. “We’re all called to evangelize and…

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