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The Deacon's Bench
The Deacon's Bench
Twin Cities tragedy: “Something like this shatters us”
deacon greg kandra
As you can imagine, the faithful of Minneapolis and St. Paul have been devastated by yesterday’s tragic bridge collapse. And the Church is responding: Upon hearing of the collapse of the Interstate 35W bridge over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis, priests from the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis traveled to the scene, as well as to…
“You should leave the world with people around you”
deacon greg kandra
At an age when a lot of young people are spending their free time dating, drinking or hanging out with friends, here’s a kid from Kentucky who’s hanging out with a much more quiet crowd. Very very quiet: Cory Kress, a 2007 graduate of St. Xavier High School, is an exception. The former St. X…
Holy Land prayers, only a click away
deacon greg kandra
Now for something completely different: with a new internet web site,someone will offer prayers for you, in the Holy Land, via computer. Dressed in his embroidered robes, the Rev. Andreas Elime steps from the altar of St. Gabriel’s Church and into the view of the Web cams on the church’s marble pillars. His voice fills…
A day in the life of a priest in Iraq: “Your sins are forgiven, go in peace!”
deacon greg kandra
If you ever wondered what it was like to try and save souls in the hell that is Iraq, Catholic Exchange has just posted this diary by Father John Gayton: As we approached our next Operational Position (OP) we were instructed to take special security precautions. The OP was located on the top of an…
Extreme Makeover: Catholic Edition
deacon greg kandra
Ty Pennington would be impressed. A parish in the Diocese of Gary, Indiana has decided to pick up where the foster father of Jesus left off, with an unusual new ministry called the St. Joseph Carpenter Ministry: While little is known of the quiet, gentle man who served as the protector and human father of…
A Catholic who became Pentecostal: “Here, I’ve changed”
deacon greg kandra
It’s a phenomenon a lot of religious observers have noticed: more and more Latinos are converting from Catholicism to Evangelical Protestantism. And one Pennsylvania community is seeing an influx of Hispanics who are former Catholics: As Pentecostal churches offering Spanish services in center city continue to proliferate, a study released by the Pew Hispanic Center…
Triumph of the Cross, and a triumph of good taste
deacon greg kandra
A new cathedral is about to built in Steubenville, Ohio, and it looks lovely. Small, as cathedrals go, but modest in scale and fairly traditional in design. The local paper has the scoop: The Catholic Diocese of Steubenville got the OK to proceed with plans for a new cathedral. But approval from the city’s Board…
Our pious pols
deacon greg kandra
If anyone doubted that religion was going to play a big role in the 2008 presidential race, those doubts have been dispelled. More than ever, it seems, candidates from all sides of the political spectrum are talking about faith. And now it’s even making the papers: All the Democratic and Republican presidential hopefuls have been…
It’s a wonderful life
deacon greg kandra
My cyber-pal The Anchoress sent this astonishing obit my way and said “I’m convinced it’s the prayer and home grown food.” Whatever it is, it gave this 106-year-old monk a wonderful life: Father Angelo, always in the company of the pipe that he smoked since he was 14, spent almost 60 years of productive and…
“Recovering Catholic”?
deacon greg kandra
It seems some forms of prejudice die hard. Like anti-Catholicism: Republican presidential hopeful Sam Brownback said rival Mike Huckabee should apologize for a supporter’s “prejudiced whisper campaign” against him for being Catholic. Huckabee issued a statement Tuesday night that didn’t apologize for the remarks but said they were neither approved nor condoned by his campaign.…
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