On Wednesday, January 28 there will be a nationwide, full day conversation about mental illness and stigma in Canada. Every year, Bell Canada hosts a Let’s Talk Day. The purpose is to break stigma and raise awareness of mental health issues and support systems. It’s a great idea and one that helped me open up…

Being unemployed for more than a few months can make you depressed. Hearing ‘No’ after ‘No’ is hard on anyone’s self-esteem. Add in bills, family demands, and embarrassment and you have a downward emotional spiral. A couple of my friends were laid off their jobs just before Christmas. So far my friends have been able…

When I lay emotionally broken at the bottom of my pit of hell, a friend gave me a prayer to the Archangel Michael to battle depression. At first the words didn’t mean much. When I remembered to pray, however, it was the prayer I used to give me courage. I’m sharing the Archangel Michael prayer…

Still exhausted by those Christmas hormones? Post Christmas fatigue doesn’t have to linger or overwhelm you. It’s effects can be lessened with a few simple tricks. Proper Sleep. Your body might need a few nights of good, restful sleep before it starts feeling normal again. Expect and prepare for that. If your mind won’t let…

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