Depression is a heaviness of the soul.

When I feel depressed, my entire body feels its weight plus more.

My arms dangle because if I try to lift them, it takes all my energy.

My core feels like a dull rod has been staked through it.

I muster my strength to do what I must.

If I cry, then my whole body shuts down once more. My eyelids close, the world blocked out from a mind overwhelmed and distraught.

I cannot imagine anyplace to go for help, nor do I want to go because it hurts when I move.

I cry and moan inwardly that no one cares or respects my presence in this world.

I feel alone.

There can be many people all around me, there might only be one. But I feel compelled to believe the pain that tells me I am alone.

So I sit and huddle with pain. Despair joins and I feel wounded and alone.

published with permission from Terezia Farkas (copyright December, 2013).


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