A traumatic event is sudden and unexpected. There’s no right way to react. But there are definite signs that you’re not coping with tragedy. Feeling pushed to the limit. When tragedy strikes, a person’s ability to cope with stress, anxiety, and anger is pushed to the limit. Whether the tragedy is of a deep, personal…

Dysthymia is more commonly known as mild depression. The symptoms aren’t as extreme or strong as the ones for major depression. But they are real and do affect you just as badly. With dysthymia, you constantly feel in a low mood, and it never seems to end. Sometimes, people with dysthymia also experience major depression…

Maybe it’s because you were raised to be polite, or maybe you’re a sensitive soul. But, it’s not okay to take blame and guilt for things you didn’t do, or feel shame for who or what you are. Negative people not only send out bad energy vibes, but they also negatively influence other’s thoughts and…

  Ever had that feeling you forgot something? Or someone is speaking to you, but you can’t follow the conversation? Brain fog affects everyone one time or another. But the foggy depressed brain is different. It’s a constant fog surrounding memory and attention. Negative thoughts keep running through your head, and they are all you…

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