Still exhausted by those Christmas hormones? Post Christmas fatigue doesn’t have to linger or overwhelm you. It’s effects can be lessened with a few simple tricks. Proper Sleep. Your body might need a few nights of good, restful sleep before it starts feeling normal again. Expect and prepare for that. If your mind won’t let…

Feeling post-Christmas exhaustion? You’re not alone. 70% of Americans say they’re fatigued by Christmas, according to the American Psychological Association. By the time January rolls in, post-Christmas fatigue can make you feel so tired, you wish you could hibernate like a bear. So what causes post Christmas fatigue?  Christmas fatigue is the trauma your body…

I’m sharing a Special to The Globe And Mail ‘Have Your Say: How Can We Help Friends and Loved Ones With Depression?’ (Dec.30, 2014) Craig and Mark Kielburger asked me as an expert on dealing with depression to give a brief comment. Get involved in the conversation by either going to the original article or leaving a comment below.…

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older (18% of U.S. population). (Anxiety and Depression Association of America)   Anxiety disorders are real and serious. Worry and fear are constant and overwhelming. People dealing with depression often suffer from anxiety disorders.…

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