Personal boundaries are there for a reason. Sometimes being a caring person backfires because the personal boundary is broken. Some people don’t want your help. Others don’t need it. Some people may misconstrue your help as you being nosey, poking around in affairs that are none of your concern. I’m a person who has a…

Do you want to better connect with your depressed friend? I know some of my friends wish they could better understand me, or help me cope with the darkness. I get that they want to help. But there is a gap between their world and mine. Instead of writing an article on how to connect with…

    How do you deal with a depressed person? It’s easy to slip up and make mistakes. To say something that you shouldn’t have. So here’s three rules of thumb for dealing with a depressed person. 1. TALK NON JUDGMENTALLY WITHOUT LEADING THE PERSON. Communication is very important. If you talk to someone, you…

  Here’s 7 rules of life to follow. These rules won’t defeat depression, but they will help soften the pain and slowly lead to healing. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present. What others think of you is none of your business. Time heals almost everything, give it time. Don’t compare…

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