It’s easy to forget how important goal setting is to self improvement. You can have lofty ambitions for changing or improving who you are, but if you don’t begin the journey with one step and then break it down into smaller plans, the journey might seem impossible. Goal setting: The reason goal setting works as…

  The Storybook Project. Share your story of suicide and help someone. What is the Storybook project? The Story book project wants to break stigma about suicide. The Story book is about people whose lives have been touched by suicide. It is stories of people who attempted suicide and chose to live, and people whose loved ones…

  Depressed people have the most insomnia. In 2011, it was estimated that 90% of depressed people have trouble sleeping. Issues of anxiety, despair, guilt, and fear prevent a good night sleep. Not sleeping well has its own negative effects. Tiredness, inability to concentrate, loss of appetite. It’s an insidious cycle. Here are a few tips for…

Anxiety disorders are real and serious. Worry and fear are constant and overwhelming. People dealing with depression often suffer from anxiety disorders. The reverse is also true. Understanding anxiety disorders can help you deal with depression.  Here are four types of anxiety disorders. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).  GAD is when you worry for no apparent…

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