We’re all afraid of something. I once heard someone say that a person has at least 10 fears. The scariest fear is always the one rooted deepest in memory and the subconscious. So how can you clear your fear? Fear doesn’t like questions Fear doesn’t like questions. Questions reveal flaws in fear. It puts fear…

You may be wondering what a ‘push pull’ relationship is and whether you’ve ever experienced one. It’s a common dynamic that emerges in many relationships and is a typical example of game playing. One partner gushes over the other, full of praise and keen interest (the pusher). The other person (the pulled) enjoys the attention…

What’s the first thing you think when you hear “resilience”? I bet it goes something along the lines of being able to bounce back from a trying or traumatic experience. I would also say you probably assume the person goes back to the same state of being as before the event. You’re not wrong, but…

Can’t seem to stop grieving? That’s complicated grief. And it’s okay, because grieving is supposed to be messy. I lost two loved ones in a short period of time. I was the guardian of one, and had to make the choice to “pull the plug” on her life support system. My mourning became complicated. It…

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