Did you know that your aura affects your health? Or that changes to your aura can also affect shifts in your conscious behaviour? An aura is defined as a luminous glow or radiation that surrounds a person’s body in a flowing pattern. Some suggest it’s the halo of religious figures that the Bible and other…

by Terezia Farkas Personal Motivation What’s personal motivation? Personal motivation is what drives you internally and externally to succeed in what ever you want to succeed in. Personal motivation helps you accomplish something. Personal motivation can be motivation to do just about anything. It can be motivation to lose weight, complete a task at work, or…

It’s All About Effort It’s easy to pop a pill and think that’s the fix you need for depression. But depression takes more effort than that.  In fact, it’s all about effort. You have to change your way of thinking. This is extremely difficult to accomplish and can take years of work. Even then, when…

The one question I needed to be asked as a black woman with bipolar disorder… by Ivy McQuain I believe being black with a mental illness is one of the hardest things to accept in the black community. Why? Because having a mental illness only means you’re crazy. That’s it. In my experience, there’s no room…

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