Most every self-help course begins with the idea that you must know yourself before you can know what you are going to do and how you will act with others. Even the Bible tells us to “Know thyself” before you can know God. Most people will claim they know who they are, even if they really…

Healing your mind and soul when depressed isn’t easy. While you can help your mind with medication and different types of therapies, what about your soul? How can you heal your soul when it’s lost in the darkness? How can you help someone who is feeling punished by God or loosing faith? Here are five tips for healing…

guest post by Wade Sorochan Mental Health as Part of Total Health Good mental health is a vital part of overall good health and well-being. It is just as important to maintain good mental health as it is to maintain good physical health. There is no health without mental health. Supporting Someone with a Mental…

Passionflower is a natural, non-addictive sedative that helps treat anxiety and sleep disorders. In the United States and Europe, passionflower is used as a calming herb for anxiety, insomnia, seizures, and hysteria. There are about 500 species of passionflower. You may know some as passionfruit. There’s a variety of passionfruit: banana passionfruit, maypop, water lemon, wild maracuja. Passionflower…

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